Technician Certification Registry
The Registry is a voluntary program to document your ongoing professional development as an AALAS certified technician/technologist.
The “R” (registered) in front of the certification acronym will be your entitlement of Registry participation. It will be a visible distinction on name tags, resumes, and business cards indicating your dedication to your professional development and to the well being of the animals in your care.
If you obtain AALAS certification at any level, you will automatically become “registered” for a 2 year period.
Maintaining Your Registry Status
Once you are entered into the Registry, you must obtain the required number of CEUs for your certification level within 2 years (ALAT: 10, LAT: 14, and LATG: 24).
CEUs can be earned by participating in example CE activities. See CE Examples for more information.
Participation is free to AALAS members; non-members are assessed a $75 non-refundable fee.
If you do not fulfill all requirements for renewing your Registry status, the “R” portion of the “Registered” certification acronym will be forfeited. (Example: if you lost your status as an RLAT, your certification would then revert to an LAT.)
How to Submit CEUs
Members can record their CEUs online by logging into the AALAS website and selecting the Online CEU Submission option. Click here to view Online CEU Submission.
CEUs can also be submitted by using the following application:
CEU Submission form
More information about the Technician Certification Registry can be found in the Technician Certification Handbook. If you have questions about the technician certification program or the Registry, contact the Professional Services department.
The Certification & Registry Board (CRB) committee perform yearly audits of registered technicians. If a technician is selected they will be required to provide supporting documentation for all CEUs submitted. Therefore technicians should maintain all CEU supporting documents for at least 3 years.