The AALAS Awards Selection Committee (ASC) has made significant progress in refining the awards criteria and scoring system to ensure a fair and consistent process. The six awards which will require nominations are the Bhatt, Brewer, Collins, Garvey, Griffin, and Technician of the Year.
These awards all require the same basic nomination information to be considered.
Nominees and nominators for all awards must be current national members of AALAS as of January 1 of the nominating year. For tips on submitting a nomination form/letter, read this article titled "Time to Shine: Making the Most of an AALAS Awards Nomination" from the December 2019 issue of Laboratory Animal Science Professional.
Award Selection Process Summary
The award nomination forms are submitted via email by the annual deadline of April 1. The AALAS office notifies the nominee they have been nominated for a specific award. If the nominee accepts the nomination, he/ she should submit his/her current CV to the AALAS office ASAP.
Once the nomination is accepted, AALAS staff will contact the references to provide the necessary letters of support and completed reference forms.
Copies of completed packets are sent to the ASC members for review. Each packet receives a score based on the established criteria. Committee members then rank the nominees for each individual award based on the scores and send them back to the national office to be tallied with the other committee members ranks. A tally of these rankings and scores is sent back to the ASC members for their review. A conference call is set up for the ASC members to discuss the nominees with the highest ranks or scores and finalize the award selections.
The chair of the ASC notifies the Executive Director of the committees' recommendations, which are subsequently submitted to the AALAS Board of Trustees for approval.