AALAS Committees
Volunteer Form
Awards Selection Committee (ASC) evaluates all proposed candidates for AALAS awards and recommends nominees to the BOT. This committee offers a great volunteer opportunity for anyone who will be attending the National Meeting to judge the poster contest.
Certification & Registry Board (CRB) establishes policies and procedures of the Animal Technician Certification Program, including prerequisites for certification of members in levels of Assistant Laboratory Animal Technician (ALAT), Laboratory Animal Technician (LAT), and Laboratory Animal Technologist (LATG), as well as methods of examination administration, and administers the Certification Registry program.
Certified Manager of Animal Resources Committee (CMAR) develops and reviews the Animal Resources Exam, oversees uniform administration of program examinations, and provides policy recommendations to the BOT. Committee members are required to carry and maintain the CMAR certification.
Committee on Technician Awareness and Development (CTAD) encourages technician growth and participation in educational, recognition, and publication opportunities at the national, district, and branch levels, including the AALAS National Meeting.
Educational Resources Committee (ERC) writes, edits, evaluates, develops, and updates laboratory animal science educational training materials. This committee offers ample volunteer opportunities as subject matter experts to assist with writing and/or reviewing educational materials, such as training manuals and workbooks.
Exhibitor Advisory Council (EAC) provides a forum for information exchange between AALAS and National Meeting exhibitors to enhance the overall quality of the meeting for all attendees. Committee appointments must be from a current exhibiting company that meets the booth size requirement for the openings available.
Government Relations Committee (GRC) proactively monitors federal legislation and regulations relative to laboratory animal science and animal welfare issues, and alerts the membership to help influence the federal legislation and regulatory process.
Institute for Laboratory Animal Management (ILAM) committee plans and conducts the ILAM meeting, a continuing education program in management techniques that are relevant to all members of AALAS and affiliated organizations, conducted in two one-week sessions approximately one year apart. The committee evaluates the program each year and develops and recommends new policies and procedures as needed for AALAS BOT approval. The committee must contain at least five ILAM Graduates as members.
National Meeting Program Committee (NMPC) plans the scientific, educational program of the National Meeting with the goal of developing the most attractive possible educational opportunity for the membership.
Nominations Committee (NC) annually nominates two qualified candidates for vice president-elect and, every third year, secretary/treasurer. The committee also evaluates nominations for open at-large trustee positions and identifies at least two appropriate candidates for placement on the ballot. NC also nominates qualified candidates for any open at-large and district positions where fewer than two qualified candidates apply.
Online Learning Committee (OLC) develops web-based learning opportunities to provide educational resources for AALAS members and the laboratory animal science community. This committee offers ample volunteer opportunities as a subject matter expert to assist with writing and/or reviewing courses for the AALAS Learning Library
Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) oversees the Grants for Laboratory Animal Science Program, including the development, implementation, and maintenance of program procedures and grant priorities. The SAC also develops programs to enhance the quality and breadth of science at National Meeting and encourages the scientific development of young investigators in comparative medicine and laboratory animal science. The SAC provides guidelines and advice to the leadership on matters relevant to the priorities and quality of the scientific and educational missions of AALAS and develops recommendations, positions, and guidelines for science and science policy on behalf of AALAS for review and approval of the BOT.