Writing a successful GLAS application involves advanced planning and preparation.
Besides writing the application, there are many steps to the submission process, which take time!
You must:
- Document preliminary research results, if applicable.
- Organize and complete your written application.
- Submit your application to the AALAS GLAS program.
- Follow up with an email to glas@aalas.org, if you did not receive a confirmation receipt.
Careful planning, thorough background research, and solid preliminary data (if applicable) will ultimately simplify the writing stage.
Note: Individuals who are new to research or are first-time grant applicants would benefit from having a mentor guide them in preparing the application and conducting the study, if a grant is awarded.
Please keep in mind that often applications must be routed through the institution's research or grant administration and the office's processing can take several weeks.
Department heads should process applications through that office because the funds will be issued to the institution on behalf of the PI. Therefore, the grant office has to be involved in processing the funds.