Application Format
Applications for a Standard or Small GLAS Grant must be submitted on the application form, an MS Word document or in PDF (if printed to PDF only). Files scanned to PDF will not be accepted. Do not use an out-of-date application form; be sure to use an application form dated for the year you are applying. Please do not adjust the document margins or page size. Text should be black, single-spaced, and in a font of 12 point or larger (Times New Roman suggested).
Please submit the signed signature page either embedded in your application file or as an accompanying file. If the latter, print the signature page (page 5), sign it, and scan the page to PDF. You may submit up to 2 documents: the application file and the signature page.
Please include the principal investigator's name and first initial in the file name of the application/s you submit to AALAS. If you submit multiple applications, please include a key word in the filename to distinguish the applications.
Application Submission
The application form must be submitted to AALAS via the GLAS Application page on the AALAS web site, using the Submittable platform. Click the Submit link on that page to initiate an application.
Select the correct grant type for your application: Small or Standard grant.
If you will be submitting multiple applications, create a separate submission for each application.
AALAS will acknowledge receipt of your GLAS grant application/s within 3 business days of the deadline.
- If you do not receive this confirmation, please contact AALAS by email ( or by phone (901-754-8620) immediately.
Supporting Documents for Your GLAS Application
Documentation of approval of your proposed research study by institutional oversight committees, such as the IACUC and Institutional Biosafety Committee (the equivalent documents for international applications), must be sent to AALAS if your application is approved for GLAS funding. Funds will not be disbursed until the appropriate approval forms are received by the GLAS program. These forms may be emailed to AALAS ( after February 1.
Assistance for Submission of Your GLAS Application
If you have questions or need assistance on submitting your application, please contact AALAS via email at or by phone at 901-754-8620. We will be glad to help you during AALAS Office hours 8:00 – 4:30 pm CST, Monday through Friday.