December's Comparative Medicine Online


Below is a list of articles featured in our next issue of Comparative Medicine. The concept for the cover design is based upon the article entitled, "Longitudinal Evaluation of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in a Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta) Model of HIV Infection" by Rebecca A Tarantelli, Finja Schweitzer, Marc A Simon, Rebecca R Vanderpool, Ian Christman, Emily Rayens, Heather M Kling, ToniAnn Zullo, Jonathan P Carney, Brian J Lopresti, Thomas Bertero, Stephen Y Chan, and Karen A Norris.

A link to the articles listed below is available on Fast Track found here: Access to the full-text articles are available to members only. Articles will become public 6 months after publication.

Comparative Medicine is published six times a year. Dr Linda Toth is the editor in chief and Dr Ravi Tolwani of The Rockefeller University is the associate editor. The types of articles accepted are Case Report, Case Study, Research Report, Overview, and Letter to the Editor.

Effects of Rodent Thermoregulation on Animal Models in the Research Environment - F Claire Hankenson, James O Marx, Christopher J Gordon, and John M David

Identified and Implementing Endpoints for Geriatric Mice - Linda A Toth

Effects of Intraoperative Vagal Nerve Stimulation on the Gastrointestinal Microbiome in a Mouse Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - Megan M Haney, Aaron C Ericsson, and Teresa E Lever

Longitudinal Evaluation of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in a Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta) Model of HIV Infection - Rebecca A Tarantelli, Finja Schweitzer, Marc A Simon, Rebecca R Vanderpool, Ian Christman, Emily Rayens, Heather M Kling, ToniAnn Zullo, Jonathan P Carney, Brian J Lopresti, Thomas Bertero, Stephen Y Chan, and Karen A Norris

System for Scoring Severity of Acute Radiation Syndrome Response in Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta) - Gregory L King, David J Sandgren, Jennifer M Mitchell, David L Bolduc, and William F Blakely

Spontaneous Spongiform Brainstem Degeneration in a Young Mouse Lemur (Microcebus murinus) with Conspicuous Behavioral, Motor, Growth, and Ocular Pathologies - Daniel Schmidtke, Charlotte Lempp, Marko Dubicanac, Ute Radespiel, Elke Zimmermann, Wolfgang Baumgartner, Sabine Kastner, Martin Meier, Ann Balkema-Buschmann, R Alan Harris, Muthuswamy Raveendran, Donna M Muzny, Kim C Worley, and Jeffrey Rogers

Longitudinal MRI Evaluation of Ischemic Stroke in the Basal Ganglia of a Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta) with Seizures - Chun-Xia Li, Doty J Kempf, Frank C Tong, Yumei Yan, Zhengfeng Xu, Fawn R Connor-Stroud, Byron D Ford, Leonard L Howell, and Xiaodong Zhang

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