Want to be a part of your association's magazine? LAS Pro will be accepting photos and recaps from your Tech Week celebrations to feature in the June magazine. Submit 1-2 photos (must be 300 DPI jpegs or tiffs) and a 75-100 word recap of your event to laspro@aalas.org.
Also, LAS Pro will offer a cover contest again! We are looking for a June cover photo that highlights the 2019 Tech Week celebrations. Please note, cover images require special composition:
- Photographs must be submitted in a vertically framed shot.
- No more than two people should be featured.
- Room must be left in the image for text overlays.
- Photos must be sent as jpeg or tifs at 300 DPI and measuring 8.75" x 11.125".
Questions? Contact us at laspro@aalas.org. Deadlines to submit is April 9. Photo selections will be determined by the graphic design team.