Read the March Issue of JAALAS


The JAALAS March issue is coming to your mailbox soon! In addition to our high-quality peer-reviewed articles, this issue will feature two articles from the Association of Primate Veterinarians on Guidelines for Jacket Use in NHP and Food Restriction Guidelines in NHP in Biomedical Research. You won’t want to miss this issue! Be sure to read the print issue when it arrives or visit us at:

Below is a list of articles featured in our next issue of JAALAS. A link to the articles is available on Fast Track found here: Access to the full text-articles are available to members only. Articles will become public 6 months after publication.

JAALAS is published six times a year. Dr Linda Toth is the editor in chief and Dr Susan Compton of Yale University is the associate editor. The types of articles accepted are Case Study, Research Report, Overview, and Letter to the Editor. As of January 1, 2019 we do not accept single-animal case reports for review.

Effects of Various Commercially Available Enrichment Options on Handling and Chronic Stress Markers in Female ICR Mice - Jessica L Peveler, Melissa P Swan, R'nld R Wheeler, Christine A Boehm, and Debra L Hickman

Retrospective Analysis of the Effects of Identification Procedures and Cage Changing by Using Data from Automated, Continuous Monitoring - Maria A Lim, Erwin B Defensor, Jordan A Mechanic, Puja P Shah, Evelyn A Jaime, Clifford R Roberts, David L Hutto, and Laura R Schaevitz

Welfare and Scientific Considerations of Tattooing and Ear Tagging for Mouse Identification - Johnny V Roughan, and Tatum Sevenoaks

Evaluation of a Synthetic Bedding Substrate for Mice (Mus musculus) - Michael A Bellin, Kyle J Reitnauer, Amber M Gomez, Robyn B Lee-Stubbs, and Albert L Ruff

Survey of Behavioral Indices of Welfare in Research Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in the United States - Mollie A Bloomsmith, Andrea W Clay, Susan P Lambeth, Corrine K Lutz, Sarah D Breaux, Michael L Lammey, Andrea N Franklin, Kim A Neu, Jaine E Perlman, Lisa A Reamer, Mary C Mareno, Steven J Schapiro, Maribel Vazquez, and Sabrina R Bourgeois

Influence of Rater Training on Inter- and Intrarater Reliability When Using the Rat Grimace Scale - Emily Q Zhang, Vivian SY Leung, and Daniel SJ Pang

Ammonia Measurement in the IVC Microenvironment - Robert B Morrow and Rhonda J Wiler

Chemical Contaminants from Plastics in the Animal Environment - Galen J Gorence, Hannah C Pulcastro, Crystal A Lawson, Roy R Gerona, Matthew Friesen, Tegan S Horan, Mary C Gieske, Caroline V Sartain, and Patricia A Hunt

Seroconversion of 1-year-old Mice to Murine Norovirus - Julia Zaias, Catia Farrington, Robert S Livingston, and Linda W Waterman

The Likelihood of Misidentifying Rodent Pasteurellaceae by Using Results from a Single PCR Assay - Hagit Dafni, Lea Greenfeld, Roni Oren, and Alon Harmalin

PCR Prevalence of Murine Opportunistic Microbes and their Mitigation by Using Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide - Natalie H Ragland, Emily L Miedel, and Robert W Engelman

Intramuscular Administration of Alfaxalone Alone and in Combination for Sedation and Anesthesia of Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) - Michael P Bradley, Carolyn M Doerning, Megan H Nowland, and Patrick A Lester

Regional Anesthesia for Dentistry and Orofacial Surgery in Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta) - Robyn M Engel, Marvin L Thomas III, and Ron E Banks

Enrofloxacin Pharmacokinetics and Sampling Techniques in California Sea Hares (Aplysia californica) - Sharon E Mason, Mark G Papich, Michael C Schmale, Craig A Harms, and A Sally Davis

Evaluation of the Sterility of Press'n Seal Cling Film for Use in Rodent Surgery - Kathryn M Emmer, Natalie A Celeste, Willie A Bidot, Marcel I Perret-Gentil, and Raphael A Malbrue

Capnography-guided Endotracheal Intubation as an Alternative to Existing Intubation Methods in Rabbits - Lyon Y Lee, Dongbin Lee, Hakhyun Ryu, Janet H Han, Jungho Ko, and John W Tyler

Head Tilt in Immunodeficient Mice Due to Contamination of Drinking Water by Burkholderia gladioli - Chereen Collymore, Frank Giuliano, and E Kate Banks

Association of Primate Veterinarians Guidelines for Jacket Use in Nonhuman Primates

Association of Primate Veterinarians Food Restriction Guidelines for Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research

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