TTS-003: The Technician Training Shorts series provides an opportunity to schedule a training session for staff to view a 15 to 20-minute recording and then use the active learning exercises provided to enhance the learning experience - either immediately after the presentation or later.
Animal care staff have duties that may require them to perform repetitive jobs in the facility. This often involves changing cages, prepping cages with bedding and food, processing water bottles, and cleaning. The Repetitive Job Safety: Small Animal Care Technician Short provides information on the challenges of performing these tasks and ways to minimize ergonomic injury.
Staff will learn:
- The basics of risk factors that lead to injuries.
- How to make repetitive jobs safer.
- Strategies that can be implemented in your facility.
- Ways to incorporate self-care into your routine.
Included with the recording are two active learning exercises:
- Group Activity: This is an activity where staff can brainstorm about improvement ideas they want to try in their work tasks and suggest 2 practices they do that they would like to share with their co-workers.
- Repetitive Job Safety Quiz Game: A PowerPoint presentation with 16 quiz questions and suggestions on ways to play the game.
To access all files and the link to register to view the recording:
- Log in at
- Select the "My Profile" link at the top of the page.
- Go to "Digital Content Access.
- Under the Lifting Safety order number, there will be link to a zip file called Lifting Safety Files. Select that link and download the file to your computer. There will be 5 files, including instructions to view the recording, the handout, the two games described above, and an AALAS CEU certificate.