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Institutional and Management Strategies for the Development of a Sustainable Compassion Fatigue Support Program (Webinar Recording)

Institutional and Management Strategies for the Development of a Sustainable Compassion Fatigue Support Program (Webinar Recording)

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WEB-065A: These times of the COVID-19 pandemic have been stressful and emotionally draining. Many institutions got the message in March that all research would be stopped and the animal population had to be reduced. The devastation and grief have been heart-wrenching. Now more than ever, it has become evident that emotional support and wellbeing are just as important as occupational and physical health. Ms. Anneke Keizer has developed institutional strategies for the development of compassion fatigue programs following interviews with more then 600 laboratory animal caregivers, ranging from facility directors to cage wash personnel, over the past 4 years. This webinar will focus on helping institutions develop a program to strengthen the coping mechanisms of people working with laboratory animals. This often starts with a needs assessment-an opportunity for employees to discuss the underlying or unspoken issues within their facility, in order to determine and address the needs or gaps between current conditions and desired conditions. In this webinar, Anneke will discuss strategies that institutions can use to foster self-care, peer support, and support by managers and supervisors for their animal caregivers.

Audience: Animal care program directors, veterinarians, IACUC members, IACUC staff, and facility managers/supervisors.

To view the recording: Once you purchase the product, a link is added to your "My Profile" page on the AALAS website. You will see a menu on the left side of the page. Select "Digital Content Access." There are three files available to download: the instructions to view the recording, the handout, and a CEU certificate to keep as a record of viewing the recording to AALAS CEUs. The instructions will also provide information on how to earn RACE CEs for viewing the recording.

Sharing the recording: Access is granted for a minimum of 90 days but may be extended as long as a year from the date of the live event. You may distribute the recording link via email to your staff. Posting this link or any of the webinar's content on a web page or distribution of these materials by other means to the public is not permitted.

AALAS CEUs: You can apply for up to 1.5 CEUs for the Technician Certification Registry or CMAR recertification. Please use the forms on the AALAS website or online CEU submission.

RACE CEs: Viewers of the live event or the recording can receive RACE continuing education credits by taking a 5-question post-test on the AALAS Learning Library. A free enrollment is all that is required to access the test and to generate the RACE certificate; no subscription is required. This program is approved by the AAVSB RACE to offer a total of 1.00 CE Credit (1.0 max) being available to any one veterinarian: and/or 1.00 Veterinary Technician CE Credits (1.00 max). This RACE approval is for the subject matter category of  l Non-Medical Program. This approval is valid in jurisdictions which recognize AAVSB RACE; however, participants are responsible for ascertaining each board's CE requirements. RACE does not "accredit" or "endorse" or "certify" any program or person, nor does RACE approval validate the content of the program.

  • List Price: $175.00
  • Member Price: $115.00
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Item Details:
Presenter: Ms. Anneke Keizer holds a Bachelor of Laboratory Animal Science degree and a Master of Business Administration (Labor Relations) degree. She is an LATG, and ILAM graduate, and a Certified Compassion Fatigue Professional (CCFP). Ms. Keizer developed skills of long-term training,...
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