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Behavioral Training in Laboratory Animals: Effects of Patterns of Reinforcement (Webinar Recording)

Behavioral Training in Laboratory Animals: Effects of Patterns of Reinforcement (Webinar Recording)

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WEB-071A: Dr. Melissa Shyan-Norwalt returns to discuss more on animal training. Her previous webinar focused on styles and training and their outcomes, so this next presentation will address patterns of reinforcement. Patterns or "schedules" of reinforcement refer to how often, how frequently, and when you provide a consequence for a behavior. Each directly and predictably affects how often the animal will produce the goal (or "anti-goal") behavior. You can give a reinforcer for every presentation of the goal behavior (continuous reinforcement); you can give a reinforcer for some of the presentations of the goal behavior (partial reinforcement); or you can withhold a reinforcer for all presentations of the goal behavior (extinction). There are six standard schedules of reinforcement and several nontypical schedules, which will be discussed. Strategies will be provided for applying these schedules to advantage and avoiding their pitfalls.

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Sharing the recording: Access is granted for a minimum of 90 days but may be extended as long as a year from the date of the live event. You may distribute the recording link via email to your staff. Posting this link or any of the webinar's content on a web page or distribution of these materials by other means to the public is not permitted.

AALAS CEUs: You can apply for up to 1.5 CEUs for the Technician Certification Registry or CMAR recertification. Please use the forms on the AALAS website or online CEU submission.

  • List Price: $175.00
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Item Details:

Presenter: Melissa Shyan-Norwalt, Ph.D.

Dr. Melissa Shyan-Norwalt received her Ph.D. at the University of Hawaii in Comparative Cognition. She was a scientist and animal behaviorist at the Iams Pet Food Company for four years. She is presently an Educator Assistant Professor at the University of...

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