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Management Training Manual (CMAR) 2nd Edition

Management Training Manual (CMAR) 2nd Edition

05-00012: The Management Training Manual, 2nd Edition is a custom management textbook developed from six different resources.

This manual covers the key skills for modern day managers, the challenges of organizational management, and the concepts and tools for accounting and financial management. This textbook is designed to assist in learning the knowledge to prepare for the Management 1 (M1) and Management 2 (M2) exams for the CMAR Certification.

Chapters include: 1. The Exceptional Manager: What You Do, How You Do It; 2. Groups and Teams: Increasing Cooperation, Reducing Conflict; 3. Interpersonal and Organizational Communications: Mastering the Exchange of Information; 4. Managing Change and Stress; 5. Individual Differences and Emotions; 6. Managing Conflict and Negotiations; 7. Value Chain Management: Functional Strategies for Competitive Advantage; 8. Managing Organizational Structure and Culture; 9. Organizational Control and Change; 10. Human Resource Management; 11. Motivation and Performance; 12. Accounting: Information for Decision Making; 13. Basic Financial Statements; 14. Operational Budgeting; 15. The Goals and Activities of Financial Management; 16. Financial Analysis.

  • List Price: $275.00
  • Member Price: $225.00
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Item Details:
05-00012: The Management Training Manual, 2nd Edition is a custom management textbook developed from six different resources. This manual covers the key skills for modern day managers, the challenges of organizational management, and the concepts and tools for accounting and financial...
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